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Unified utils for auto importing APIs in modules.

Unified utils for auto importing APIs in modules, used in nuxt and unplugin-auto-import


  • Auto import register APIs for Vite, Webpack or esbuild powered by unplugin
  • TypeScript declaration file generation
  • Auto import for custom APIs defined under specific directories
  • Auto import for Vue template


# npm
npm install unimport

# yarn
yarn add unimport

# pnpm
pnpm install unimport


Plugin Usage

Powered by unplugin, unimport provides a plugin interface for bundlers.

Vite / Rollup

// vite.config.js / rollup.config.js
import Unimport from 'unimport/unplugin'

export default {
  plugins: [
    Unimport.vite({ /* plugin options */ })


// webpack.config.js
import Unimport from 'unimport/unplugin'

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    Unimport.webpack({ /* plugin options */ })

Programmatic Usage

// ESM
import { createUnimport } from 'unimport'

// CommonJS
const { createUnimport } = require('unimport')
const { injectImports } = createUnimport({
  imports: [{ name: 'fooBar', from: 'test-id' }]

// { code: "import { fooBar } from 'test-id';console.log(fooBar())" }


Imports Item

Named import
imports: [
  { name: 'ref', from: 'vue' },
  { name: 'useState', as: 'useSignal', from: 'react' },

Will be injected as:

import { useState as useSignal } from 'react'
import { ref } from 'vue'
Default import
imports: [
  { name: 'default', as: '_', from: 'lodash' }

Will be injected as:

import _ from 'lodash'
Namespace import
imports: [
  { name: '*', as: '_', from: 'lodash' }

Will be injected as:

import * as _ from 'lodash'
Export assignment import

This is a special case for libraries authored with TypeScript's export = syntax. You don't need it the most of the time.

imports: [
  { name: '=', as: 'browser', from: 'webextension-polyfill' }

Will be injected as:

import browser from 'webextension-polyfill'

And the type declaration will be added as:

const browser: typeof import('webextension-polyfill')
Custom Presets

Presets are provided as a shorthand for declaring imports from the same package:

presets: [
    from: 'vue',
    imports: [
      // ...

Will be equivalent as:

imports: [
  { name: 'ref', from: 'vue' },
  { name: 'reactive', from: 'vue' },
  // ...
Built-in Presets

unimport also provides some builtin presets for common libraries:

presets: [
  // ...

You can check out src/presets for all the options available or refer to the type declaration.

Exports Auto Scan

Since unimport v0.7.0, we also support auto scanning the examples from a local installed package, for example:

presets: [
    package: 'h3',
    ignore: ['isStream', /^[A-Z]/, /^[a-z]*$/, r => r.length > 8]

This will be expanded into:

imports: [
    from: 'h3',
    name: 'appendHeader',
    from: 'h3',
    name: 'appendHeaders',
    from: 'h3',
    name: 'appendResponseHeader',
  // ...

The ignore option is used to filter out the exports, it can be a string, regex or a function that returns a boolean.

By default, the result is strongly cached by the version of the package. You can disable this by setting cache: false.

Type Declarations

  dts: true // or a path to generated file

Directory Auto Import

dirs: [

Named exports for modules under ./composables/* will be registered for auto imports.

Opt-out Auto Import

You can opt-out auto-import for specific modules by adding a comment:

// @unimport-disable

It can be customized by setting commentsDisable:

  commentsDisable: [

Acorn Parser

By default, unimport uses RegExp to detect unimport entries. In some cases, RegExp might not be able to detect all the entries (false positive & false negative).

We introduced a new AST-based parser powered by acorn, providing a more accurate result. The limitation is when using Acorn, it assumes all input code are valid and vanilla JavaScript code.

  parser: 'acorn'

Vue Template Auto Import

In Vue's template, the usage of API is in a different context than plain modules. Thus some custom transformations are required. To enable it, set addons.vueTemplate to true:

  addons: {
    vueTemplate: true


When auto-import a ref, inline operations won't be auto-unwrapped.

export const counter = ref(0)
  <!-- this is ok -->
  <div>{{ counter }}</div>

  <!-- counter here is a ref, this won't work, volar will throw -->
  <div>{{ counter + 1 }}</div>

  <!-- use this instead -->
  <div>{{ counter.value + 1 }}</div>

We recommend using Volar for type checking, which will help you to identify the misusage.

💻 Development

  • Clone this repository
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable (use npm i -g corepack for Node.js < 16.10)
  • Install dependencies using pnpm install
  • Run interactive tests using pnpm dev


Made with 💛

Published under MIT License.